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What we do

CHAFA for Law Firms

Where expertise meets efficiency
CHAFA specializes in assisting elder law and personal injury attorneys with complicated medical coding, medical billing, explanations of benefits, auditing & analyzing medical coding, claims, billing, and liens.
As certified professional coders and certified healthcare compliance professionals we are experts at medical coding, billing, and healthcare compliance auditing. We evaluate Medicare, Medicaid, and private health insurance claims, medical bills, and liens.
We are based in Florida and deliver these healthcare-related financial solutions to attorneys throughout Florida and the United States.

Our Expertise Allows You To

01 Case Study

How CHAFA Saved a Client $25,000.00 in
Medical Expenses

The care giver of a senior citizen contacted an elder law attorney after seeing his father’s enormous medical bills following two hospitalizations and stays in rehabilitation centers. The medical bills from 10 different healthcare providers—totaled $75,000. Due to the overwhelming paperwork, the caregiver did not have the time to go through all of them to properly to track what his father truly owed and turned to the elder law attorney for advice. The attorney called Nicole Martin for help sorting through all the medical bills, provider documentation, medical coding, and medical billing to ascertain the family’s true out-of-pocket medical costs. Ms. Martin contacted each of the 10 healthcare providers and facilities and disputed/ negotiated the bills with all of them.
In the end, the patient wound up having to pay only $5,000 out of the original

Why Choose CHAFA for Law Firms?

Where expertise meets efficiency

Our Expertise Allows You To

01 Case Study

How CHAFA Saved a Client $25,000.00 in
Medical Expenses

The care giver of a senior citizen contacted an elder law attorney after seeing his father’s enormous medical bills following two hospitalizations and stays in rehabilitation centers. The medical bills from 10 different healthcare providers—totaled $75,000. Due to the overwhelming paperwork, the caregiver did not have the time to go through all of them to properly to track what his father truly owed and turned to the elder law attorney for advice. The attorney called Nicole Martin for help sorting through all the medical bills, provider documentation, medical coding, and medical billing to ascertain the family’s true out-of-pocket medical costs. Ms. Martin contacted each of the 10 healthcare providers and facilities and disputed/ negotiated the bills with all of them.
In the end, the patient wound up having to pay only $5,000 out of the original

Why Choose CHAFA for Law Firms?

Let CHAFA be your strategic ally in healthcare compliance, allowing you to enhance the quality of your legal services without the burden of navigating complex healthcare intricacies. Contact us today to explore how CHAFA can support your law firm’s success.
Could you use the expert assistance of a
medical coding compliance consultant?